Our Services

Third Party Administration (TPA)

To ensure better management of medical costs inflation

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

To be able to enjoy a proven platform in managing healthcare costs and any related indirect overheads

Case Management Contact Centre CMCC

We manage Top site Solutions and Case Management Contact Centre at Oil Rigs and Offshore.

Why should you choose eBen

With our complete list of services we are able to administer routine seeking treatment activities that allows staff to be able to relief from the burden to not obtain the proper care or not knowing where to go. Your company can have the peace of mind that even when you sleep, the employees are well taken care of with the end to end solutions from systems, benefits structuring, execution and also obtaining care and recovery at the medical providers.


We provide a comprehensive, efficiency in managing the medical program and ability for the Insurers to completely be able to monitor the policies that are provided by intermediaries or corporations.


We identify, abuses, overcharging, duplications, abuses, and conducts regular audits and verifications with the providers.

Our Services





Who We Are

eBen is a Third Party Administrator managing and administering the medical claims for corporates and providing cashless facilities to our members.

Medical Team

24/7 Medical Assistance

Enhanced Medical Solutions

Proactive Case Management

How do eBen Assist you?

Our members are facing issues with the rising medical costs year to year. Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) reported the medical inflation is about 15-20% per annum. We will assist you in going through the management of the medical program via our Proven Platform in managing medical costs with our Providers Management Program and also our ability to analyse all the data for timely statistical program. With our AI-based Program, we aim to towards managing abuse whilst ensuring our Providers to be able to grow with us as a Partner. While many are striving to manage costs, be it Insurer or Corporate, there is yet to have anyone in the market who is able to overcome the rising medical costs yearly. Over the years we have successfully be able to achieve well results in managing the medical inflation and even more crucial with the recent years of high level of market inflation. This makes us think if we can continue to afford private healthcare.


  • E-Claims
  • E-Payments
  • Medical auditing and abuse management
  • Tracking and verification process
  • Analysis Reporting


  • Vaccinations program
  • Pre-employment check up
  • Drug screening
  • Ergonomics
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Health Talks

Our Technology

Technology forms a huge part of everything we do. We believe in the power of technology and the benefit it brings to our lives. AI Technology and Digitalization is at the core of eBen that supports businesses to revolutionize industries. With innovation at our core, we continually seek to disrupt and push boundaries to reimagine possibilities in the digital space. We continuously add value to our clients’ businesses by leveraging on AI to enhance productivity & propel our services to the next level. Our technology platform, our AI Powered eBen Portal is at the core of everything we do. Our AI powered technology firstly aims to accelerate the verification and validation of customers medical coverage. It then seeks to shorten the turnaround time for payments to all providers. It seamlessly connect the end user to the medical provider for cashless payments and the insurer for real time reporting and claims analysis. This technology will empower eBen and enable our clients, insurers and medical providers in a seamless medical eco-system that’s innovative and best in class. Our business growth along with our client’s successes are all due to this key enabler.

Our Medical 

With our AI Powered eBen Assist Portal, we aim to create a eBen Assist Medical Eco-System, connecting individuals with medical providers, insurers, employers and our own eBen Health Concierge into a unique medical eco-system.

Message from our Chairman

As a Third Party Administrator (TPA), I am proud to inform that we have received the MDEC status for our proprietary AI-Technology, registered with Petronas and JLM & AME. We are the first locally to embarked into AI-Concierge Centre and currently undergoing the ISO Certification for 27001, 140001, 45000 and 9001.

Our Partners



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